Well, it's that time of year again... TIME FOR MINI-PRINTS!
So the deal is for $15 you can buy a framed, numbered, 
autographed mini print of any OVC comic!
That's right FRAMED! With glass and everything for only $15! 
And if you live in the U.S. that includes shipping! 
(If you don't live in the U.S. then they cost $20 including shipping.
That's still pretty good!) These prints are a perfect way to class up 
your apartment, trailer, cubicle or crawl space and they make a great gift. 
(Or if you receive one and hate it, they make a great RE-gift too!)

To order send me an email at with your name, 
mailing address and either a link or description of the cartoon you'd like a 
print of and as soon as I receive a payment to my 
PAYPAL ( I will process 
your order. Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.

(AAAAND I'm only making 100 of these so be sure to order soon!)

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